Swag shop is now open! Check it out!
You’re all invited to join the local community of this little city in northern Germany on an Ingress Mission Day on April 20th!
Follow the hare and the hedgehog 🐇🦔, explore the city, discover magical worlds and meet-up with old friends. But be careful, there might be a bull watching you! 🐂
All Agents who complete at least six of the official Mission Day missions on April 20th will be granted a tick to the Mission Day badge!
🇩🇪 Der Ablauf des Mission Day
🕐 Der Ablauf wird wie folgt aussehen:
00:00 – 23:59 >> Mission Day verfügbar
15:00 >> Gruppenfoto am St. Petri-Platz
15:10 – 16:00 >> Deaddrops
ab 15:10 >> Swag-Abholung
15:30 – 17:30 >> Meet-Up im Amadeus (30 Plätze + was noch frei ist)
🗺 Um sich einen Überblick über Missionen und lokale Einrichtungen verschaffen zu können, haben wir eine Google MyMaps angelegt. Es lohnt sich definitiv dort mal einen Blick hinein zu werfen!
🇬🇧 The agenda of the Mission Day
Time for closer information about meetings on the Mission Day!
🕐 The agenda will be:
00:00 – 23:59 >> Mission Day live
15:00 >> Group photo at the St. Petri-Place
15:10 – 16:00 >> Deaddrops
15:10 – >> Swag Pickup
15:30 -17:30 >> Meet-up at the restaurant Amadeus (30 persons + whatever is still available)
🗺 To get a better view of the Missions and the local facilities, we created a Google MyMaps. Its definitely worth taking a look into it!