IITC Plugins

MD.site provides a handy IITC / IMAT plugin to export draft and submitted missions. This way, you can upload the paths of the Mission Day before the missions are approved by NIA.

You can download the plugin here

We also recommend using Ultimate Mission Maker to plan your missions and UMM Mission Badge to prepare and upload your images.

REST API & Embed

MD.site also provides REST API to access all contents in the website.

APIs are available using WordPress built-in REST API system and are subject to rate limit.

Endpoint: https://missionday.site/wp-json/wp/v2/mission-day

Reference: https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/using-the-rest-api/


You can also embed any MD.site map using the Map Embed.

It’s available for any Mission Day with a path uploaded, and can be reached by missionday.site/mission-day/<id>/map/.

E.G. https://missionday.site/mission-day/napoli-it/map/